Meet our 教师

Laurie Christie


Laurie Christie has been teaching 英语 to adult learners for over 12 years at FSU 和 other educational centers in the 波士顿 Metro Area. Laurie currently teaches a very popular advanced communication skill-building 课程 at FSU called Focus on Topical Discussions, 阅读, 和 Pronunciation. 她曾就读于新英格兰学院和布里奇沃特州立大学. One of the things Laurie loves about teaching 英语 is getting to know people 和 cultures she might not otherwise experience. 她还喜欢远足、学习新语言和阅读. 她的目标是多去旅行.



艾伦·芬克尔 他去过欧洲很多次吗, Central America, 和 French Canada, 吸收各种文化, 尝试当地语言, 体验沟通困难的感觉. 这就是为什么他喜欢在十大网赌信誉平台教授英语作为第二语言. He also teaches Professional Writing (online) at FSU 和 is a certified teacher in Massachusetts in both 历史 和 英语. 



丹尼赫西 持有TEFL证书,目前正在攻读TESOL教育硕士学位, 非母语英语课程, 和莱斯利大学双语教育. 她是一位经验丰富的英语教师,教讲其他语言的人, 有明确的写作历史, 编辑, 教师培训. 除了教学2级:读、写、听、说 & FSU社区英语语言课程的语法, Dani is also an educational materials writer based in both Massachusetts 和 São Paulo, 巴西. 她的艺术背景经常与她对语言的热爱交织在一起, 她热衷于积极的方法论, 蒸汽, 以及以创客为中心的学习. 她写了几本教材,包括 从梦想到现实学会进取 (Macmillan Brasil), 鼓励年轻人发现他们的激情, prototype ideas, 和 step into entrepreneurship while developing their voice as 英语 speakers in the global community. 当她不写作的时候, 研究, or making things, 你会发现达尼非常喜欢科幻或百老汇音乐剧, 徒步旅行, 或者和她的猫一起做瑜伽, 斯波克和珀尔塞福涅.

Karen Hunter


Karen Hunter 从2015年5月开始在外国语大学英语语言课程教授非母语英语课程课程. She holds a Masters of 教育 Degree for the Teaching of 英语 as a Second Language from Framingham State College/University. She is a returning teacher who previously taught 非母语英语课程 for the Framingham State College Adult Community 非母语英语课程 Program while a graduate student. She also holds a Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Massachusetts at 波士顿 where she majored in German.

Sara Khanzadi


Sara Khanzadi holds a master’s degree in Teaching 英语 as a Second Language from the University of Minnesota. 在FSU英语语言课程任教之前, 她在马萨诸塞州国际学院(MAIA)教英语。, Georgia Tech Language Institute 和 at the Minnesota 英语 Language Program (MELP) for more than twelve years. 目前, Sara works as a district-wide 英语 language learner teacher for North Attleborough 公共 Schools 和 teaches a TOEFL preparedness 课程 at FSU. Sara received her undergraduate degree in Spanish language 和 culture 和 worked as a simultaneous translator at the commercial office of Spain's embassy in Tehran for five years. 阅读, 做瑜伽, 烹饪, 和 eating chocolate 和 ice cream are some of Sara’s favorite recreational activities. 萨拉还喜欢在夏天和家人一起骑自行车长途旅行. 

Elizabeth Kim


Elizabeth Kim 持有Harvard University的电子管理硕士学位和Wellesley College的学士学位. 在加入FSU英语语言课程团队之前, Liz在英孚高管语言学院教授全球专业人士, refugees 和 recent immigrants in community 非母语英语课程 programs 和 worked for many years in university administration. When not at FSU, 利兹经营一家私人教育咨询公司, volunteers with service organizations in 波士顿 和 Metrowest 和 enjoys family life with her husb和, 四个女儿和许多宠物.

Alex 奥利维拉


亚历克斯·K. 奥利维拉 earned his MA in 英语 as a Second Language Teaching from the University of Massachusetts 波士顿, where he was also a Graduate Assistant 和 Coordinator of Professional Training 项目 in the Division of 继续教育. He has had an extensive career in Teaching 英语 for Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), as a teacher, 作为一个项目管理员, 作为教材和课程的开发者. For over 25 years, 他曾与不同背景的成人学习者合作, 无论是在美国还是在巴西, in settings ranging from workplace programs 和 community colleges to private language institutes 和 universities, 公共和私人



凯瑟琳Pina-McPartl和 has more than 10 years of experience in teaching, tutoring, 和 mentoring students.  She has worked with people of all ages in traditional 和 non-traditional classrooms on-line.  She believes that schools 和 classrooms should be safe 和 caring communities for learning where students are free to speak their minds, make mistakes, 让它成长.  Lifelong learning is important to Catherine; she is always seeking to improve her own teaching 和 the experiences of her students while receiving input from colleagues 和 the community.  Catherine has a master’s degree in education with a certificate in Teaching 英语 to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)/Teaching 英语 as a Foreign Language (TEFL).  她还持有两个卫生方面的临时教师执照, 家庭和消费者科学, 以及教学技术. 



Khiran拉吉 教授高级阅读, 写作, 还有语法课程, 英语作为外语考试(托福)预备课程, 和研究, 写作和表达能力 向美国课堂的过渡 课程.  在来FSU之前, Khiran spent more than a decade teaching in higher education as well as the private sector.  His linguistic research interests include how languages adapt 和 change over time due to language contact 和 bilingualism.  Khiran拥有闪米特语和埃及语硕士学位, 来自华盛顿美国天主教大学的文学和语言学, D.C.  Khiran especially enjoys teaching at FSU because of the vibrant diversity of his students 和 their enthusiasm 和 joy in the classroom. 



约瑟夫Rihn has a master's degree in Teaching 英语 to Speakers of Other Languages from New York University. 他曾在巴西国外教书, 中国, 以及美国的一些大学. 在业余时间,他喜欢出国旅游和学习其他语言.


Sheryl Seller


Sheryl Seller holds an MA in Global Studies with a concentration in Immigration Patterns 和 Policy 和 a BA in Global Studies 和 Hispanic Studies, 都来自布兰迪斯大学. 她于2014年获得波士顿语言学院的TEFL证书. 除了在FSU教授非母语英语课程之外, Sheryl is the Assistant Director at the Sillerman Center for the Advancement of Philanthropy at Br和eis University. 她的工作重点是青年资助和移民融合. 谢丽尔也是社会正义资助者网络的联合主席.  

奥利维亚 Siteman


奥利维亚 Siteman 是强化英语和社区英语课程的英语教师. 她在沃波尔出生长大, 他现在住在普莱恩维尔, 马萨诸塞州和她的丈夫.  奥利维亚 received her Bachelor's Degree in 历史 和 Foreign Languages at Roger Williams University 和 later received her Master's Degree in Applied Linguistics at University of Massachusetts, 波士顿.

Nelson Veloso


Nelson Veloso has taught 英语 as a second language for over 20 years 和 been a TOEFL instructor for more than 10 years, 在波士顿地区不同的英语语言学校工作. 他的教学时间分别在马萨诸塞州和葡萄牙布拉加两地. 他在FSU教授托福备考和中级听力和口语. Nelson holds a master’s degree in Foreign Language 教育 (英语 和 Portuguese) 和 Applied Linguistics (Computer Corpora) from the University of Aveiro in Portugal. Additionally, he holds an Educator's Certificate in 英语 from the Massachusetts Department of 教育. When not teaching, Nelson enjoys football (soccer), the Celtics, a good comedy, 和 烹饪.