Mancuso 人文学科 Workforce Preparation Center

The Mancuso 人文学科 Workforce Preparation Center (MHWPC) at Framingham State University promotes the value of the humanities for creating vibrant thinkers, 参与公民, 熟练的专业人员. Our FSU humanities majors and minors develop 基本技能和观点 21岁st世纪的劳动力. We're here to connect current and future students and their families, 人文学院, and employers with opportunities to benefit from all the humanities have to offer.



我们主修 沟通.

我们主修 批判性思维.

我们主修 解决问题.

我们主修 的发现, 理解和操纵数据.

我们主修 创造力.





of employees who majored in humanities fields are satisfied with their jobs

  • 为学位而学习 & 为职业生涯做准备

    The MHWPC is the only humanities center designed to simultaneously support two integral and interconnected paths: studying for your degree and preparing for your career. FSU faculty and staff are dedicated to your success! 

    Visit Students & Families to find out how the MHWPC can help you secure internships, 找到第一份工作, and pursue your long-term professional goals.

  • 把你的教室和工作场所连接起来

    FSU 人文学院 do the important work of helping our students develop essential skills.

    Visit Faculty to learn how the MHWPC can connect you with professional development opportunities and other resources for amplifying your student-centered projects and community engagement initiatives.

  • 聘请FSU人才来加强你的公司

    雇主 are increasingly recognizing the value of hiring humanities majors. The MHWPC understands the needs of the 21st世纪的劳动力 and can help you find skilled interns and employees.

    Visit 雇主 看看FSU人文学科能为你做些什么!


同学们,你们可以在这里找到 实习津贴申请.

教员们,你们可以在这里找到 教员研究员APR计划申请.